Once a chip is fabricated, it can proceed to the characterization stage. Depending on the expected electrical and optical properties of the device under test, a proper measurement station and a software are required to conduct the experiment and characterize the chip.
Star Photonics® provides solutions for both aspects: the measuring station and the controlling software. We can design and build an advanced measurement station to suit your technological requirements. The electrical equipment can be operated by our software, MeSI™, which collects the data and provides a convenient graphical capabilities to display and analyze it.
In general, we deal with stations and software required for chip architecture. In particular, we are experienced with electro-optical systems, where both optical and electrical signals are participating.
For electro-optical systems such as modulators, sensors, filters and bulk lasers, light has to be inserted into the chip and exits to the photodetector. In parallel, common instruments such as signal generator and digital scope, drive and characterize the electrical signals to the chip. The pictures below describe our latest measurement station which designed to characterize electro-optical modulators and filters in silicon platform under RF operation. The software operating the equipment is MeSI™ v3.71.
We can perform the measurements of your chip and characterize it according to its functions.